Spis treści

1. The current situation of inertial propulsion 2. Gravity and centrifugal forces propulsion technology 3. An interesting experiment with neodymium magnets and centrifugal force. 4. Near Earth Reconnaissance Autonomous Vehicle w skrócie NERAV.

1. The current situation of inertial propulsion

Every kind of new technology and research results related for instance to new materials and other discoveries should always have to serve for humans benefit, not to any kind of violence and not to aims without practical meaning for civilization. However still there are many questions without any response always being a step ahead from the answers. Many facts in our reality and knowledge are dissembled and not recognized as promising. There is visible and urgent need to show people that alternate technology could be real and can be effective. Most people persist that technology evolution is developing in a good direction and general situation is relatively stable and also there is no need to change anything. But in fact there is only a thin separation between stable situation and total disaster which is threaten to global technology and industry. In our times some people still are too busy yet with their consumptive style of life to change shape of technology and they are usually preferring to relay on common and generally accessible technical solutions that have application in their daily life which simplify to permanent technological sleeping. This standard behavior won't lead to cutting edge technology and related progress for my generation in acceptable time, and couldn't release any potential from me and my type of people. But naturally there are exceptions in this situation. Many people, as one can see lately, are trying to design many interesting technical solutions, because only technological thinking may change something in this life. Possibilities simply are compound of every kind of technological components without which our world can't exist. In a lot of minds there're still resident many hopes and fears which can't be realized in standard life. Religion, politics, global economic processes tends to one question about our ability to survive, and which can to turn to nothing without right technology no matter if we want it or not. Nothing is given to us without any hard work from our side. Since the stone age until today humanity is still fighting about everything without excluding bread and a ticket on space trip. We shouldn't lost the occasion to prosper especially while there're possibilities to prosper with space industry, but not by means which are mostly postulated, there're a lot alternative proposals, we should take advantage of, for instance especially inertial propulsion is mostly this type of propulsion which can revolutionize space travel, this is what can leads someday to change our approach to our existence in universe and probably once we take advantage of this progress we will gradually gain technology beyond every imagination. I have seen many very advanced devices related to producing electricity, propulsion and many other things related to this. So I have decided to publication of my ideas which wasn't unfortunately yet tested due to my financial abilities, too. The reason for this is my wish to show that type of technology, me and also the other researchers still trying to present, could be real someday if to work on it long and firmly enough. Until today some researcher described several promising mechanical and magnetic ideas which was intended to eventually presentation if economic and general world situation will let for this in future. This ideas are unconfirmed experimentally so there are still no advice to anyone to realize it because there're no certainty if it work properly, too. Many inventors already has took advantage of proposal from giant concerns to make better their own economic situation but most researchers in this approach still staying without any connection related to concerns and their business interests. Some of them mostly work on theoretic problems and are generally interested only about finding the response about where the technological borders truly lies and where the technology horizon can be moved to. If there is any interest from the outside they rather intend counting on theoretical help including mathematical and physical calculations than experimental tests, and so do I. But, as one can see, in handle with such a problems always exist question about lack of preparation of recent science which is not predicting some non standard physical forces which are present in such a situations. Additionally unfortunately there are no computer software which one could to use for simulate certain forces and its physical appearance. In fact there're still remain some software - CAD designers tools which can be helpful. But generally the situation about this propulsion is unstable and require some care to obtain any better results. Now according to this fact which relay on relatively bad climate for inertial propulsion and related gravity propulsion methods the researchers must bear various technical and objective obstacles and in reality they stay without any help from existing industry and business. Although my attempts to inspiring the community in Poland and eventually in other countries can bring no effect, I will try to go through the technical and theoretical problems to find a financial ways and any other abilities in aim to move such a propulsion from science fiction to real scientific consideration. But undoubtedly this will be connected with many problems which now I can't see due to my knowledge and scientific position.

Inertial propulsion vehicle
theoretically capable to operate in space

Inertial propulsion vehicle - up view ( four inertial force engines
and four electric motors are visible)

Inertial engine blow up

Inertial propulsion system

Przy czterech masach, co jest rozwiązaniem według mnie optymalnym, uzyskuję większą ilość impulsów na jednostkę czasu. Jednocześnie masy równoważne (znajdujące się po bokach) nie generują impulsu, gdyż ich siły odśrodkowe są przeciwstawne. Gęstość impulsów jest dwa razy większa niż dla poprzednio zaprezentowanego rozwiązania z dwoma rolkami i o jedną czwarta większa od rozwiązania z trzema rolkami, które to rozwiązanie jest według mnie sporne, gdyż w tym przypadku nie występują masy równoważne, więc siły góra dół mogą być mniej zdywersyfikowane, bardziej równe co do wartości, a co za tym idzie siła wynikowa działająca na system jest mniejsza.

Inertial propulsion.

2. Gravity and centrifugal forces propulsion technology

Gravity is the most common force acting at the large scale in the universe. With centrifugal forces it provides the universal set of relationships, and those forces together also makes our reality as we know and provide our standard predictions according to environment we living in. Force of gravity is important especially in planetary conditions for humans. However in a case, we want to overcome it or escape out of it, the problem begins to be crucial. Usually we want to give the payloads in rockets the escape velocity, needed to send it to the orbit. In Earth's conditions this is about 11,2 km/s. What stays the main problem, we don't have any solid way of reusable transport in outer space besides transport to orbit and nearest planets and moons. Harnessing a proper technology to overcome universal gravitation won't be easy. However just the centrifugal force seems to be a proper way to switch off the gravitation. The centrifugal force indicates some bipolar gravitation properties as is shown on the Pic.1 drawing, what is rather relying on position of observer with the same rotation as the ring (assume that this ring is very big one perhaps up to kilometer in diameter so the drawing is not in scale). If those cases were took places in external gravity field from massive object like a planet field, than the situation is getting complicated. The observer in the first case will be affected with decreasing resulting force of gravity every time the upper side of the ring with him reaches top (assume he has strong magnetic shoes and suite and the ring is made from steel) and if he was upside down than the force of gravity could to cause him to take off from this ring. In the second case the observer is safely protected from fall on condition that the ring is rotating enough quickly, but there will be the difference in perceptible gravity force. The force will be weaker on the top and greater on the bottom of such a oriented ring, the Pic. 2 drawing is showing just the situation in planet's conditions.

Why to show this obvious properties? I think the only important and pragmatic for any use reaction is in situation of gravity planet's conditions and the situation under number "2" when he is turned upside down. In this situation the mass of the observer (or any other material object) is pushing on the ring with the force proportional to speed of rotation, own mass and another factor which is radius of rotation. On a Pic.3 drawing there is shown as a red arrows the pressure being laid on internal, upper side of the rotating ring. This is because the mechanical forces are not balanced any longer.

Unbalanced centrifugal force is caused by mass without counterweight. This is the point, because no operating like this could happen without counterweight in every example I've shown here - because in outer space the ring will be torn apart in every direction.

On the Pic.4 drawing there is shown a system that is able to change rotation of rotor centrifugal force to linear force aimed in up direction. This rotor has different resulting radius dimension increased additionally by the mass hole partial length. In the bottom position the rotor's bottom half is entirely hidden into hole. The problem of friction is valid but this is simple system and now is only for this educational aims. This system has its counterweight and here the only difference in forces acting in the device comes from radius of rotation - the different radius dimension. Weight of masses still stays the same and also rotation speed is constant.

3. An interesting experiment with neodymium magnets and centrifugal force

An interesting experiment with neodymium magnets and centrifugal force.

Despite of many negative opinions from the side of inertial propulsion opponents, inertial propulsion could be a shortest way to deep space exploration in a methods we never have before. With inertial propulsion we have an simplest and fastest opportunity to colonization nearest planets in solar system like Mars or Venus if some financial resources will be found for this. Space mining will be getting simple with application of inertial propulsion. Despite of the fact of very small interest from the side of practically all governments about space propulsion using inertial forces, as well as a faint public attention on this propulsion method, this way of travel in space is still possible to obtain for humanity if such an attention will become truth. Unfortunately most of the people thinks, that inertial propulsion is illusory and even not worthy to any interest, however simultaneously the turning away from the space exploration from the side of the existing generation is brightly visible. The spirit in community is low and conventional technology thru a long time won't bring any crucial changes especially in democratic and capitalistic conditions existing in the nowadays world. In democratic system most of the ideas are passing thru many procedures and in this process are often rejected only by singular people will on higher decision level often without any meritorious reasons and especially only to satisfy and conserve influence zone of small group of people. Most of the money in the market is serving to persons currently holding the power, other actions without connection to this system are often discriminated but it seems that the whole this system is highly unstable. The community is not informed enough to take proper decisions to make better own lives. Big fraction of the people do not want any changes due to their current good economic and social position. Despite of this situation the technology like inertial propulsion can still change our planet technological reality and civilization range in solar system in the future, however this process could begin even in our times. Existing world's technology deal is unfavorable to inertial propulsion but this is mainly because of improper education and science canons, children are not learned independent thinking, they are learn old science limits, not how to use imagination in problem solving. The inertial propulsion method is ridiculed and those who are willing to propagate it are often considered as madmen. It is hardly to believe we are living in XXI century. In my opinion all what is needed in this problematic propulsion is a bit of luck to those who are working on this topic. It is not the point, that some people are working on it, but it is strange that this great number of institutions with sometimes such a great financial resources can't already work out some interesting solution in this field until today. And yet I've heard that some of them are working on this for a long time. In my opinion they have wrong approach to this simple propulsion or, what is more probable, some of external factors are influencing for their work to such a important way that they cannot finish their work with any positive result.

4. Near Earth Reconnaissance Autonomous Vehicle w skrócie NERAV.

Od jakiegoś czasu mamy do czynienia w modelarstwie z małymi pojazdami atmosferycznymi ze sterowaniem naziemnym RC jest to odmiana modeli latających nazywana dronami, pojazdy te, modele sterowane są i stabilizowane przy wykorzystaniu żyroskopów, drogą radiową. Obecnie rozważa się zastosowanie dronów w transporcie paczek a nawet ludzi na pokładzie.Dość dawno temu wpadłem na pomysł niewielkiego pojazdu zwiadowczego który nazwałem z angielska Near Earth Reconnaissance Autonomous Vehicle w skrócie NERAV. Dzisiejsze drony wykonują różne funkcje również zwiadowcze w wojsku oraz wykonują zdjęcia z odmiennej perspektywy w stosunku do zdjęć selfie. Jednakże ja poszedłem w założeniach konstrukcyjnych znacznie dalej. Zamierzałem początkowo, że tego typu pojazd ograniczony musiałby być objętością atmosfery, musiałby to być pojazd atmosferyczny, jednak nie koniecznie. Z napędem bezwładnościowym pozbawiony by był on ograniczeń dotyczących standardowych dronów, jedynie nazwa pozostałaby ta sama, ale system napędu byłby diametralnie inny, choć oparty na silnikach bez-szczotkowych ( ang. brushless engines). Tego rodzaju przedsięwzięcie byłoby doskonałym sprawdzianem własnych umiejętności manualnych i wiedzy. W tym przypadku system sterowania opierałby się na autonomicznym mikroprocesorowym systemie rozpoznawania otoczenia i podejmowania decyzji. Urządzenie miałoby nieograniczony pułap wysokościowy, tutaj ograniczeniem byłby tylko sposób zasilania w energię elektryczną. Na bateriach litowo - jonowych pojazd mógłby wznieść się na wysokości kilku kilometrów, zależnie od rozmiaru i pojemności ogniw. Obecne autonomiczne źródła energii elektrycznej nie pozwalają na wiele w tego typu rozwiązaniach. Dlatego będę musiał opracować niezależne źródło zasilania swojego pomysłu. Może to być system połączonych szeregowo cewek Colera lub energia pochodząca z niektórych moich wcześniejszych idei wynalazczych. Niestety budowa również tego typu pojazdów prawdopodobnie zacznie coraz bardziej być obostrzona i reglamentowana przepisami prawnymi zarówno w Polsce i w Uni Europejskiej i trzeba będzie się z tym liczyć. Na razie gdy są to jedynie mrzonki i plany, nikt nie zwraca na to uwagi, jednak gdy ludzie zaczną coraz bardziej kombinować technologicznie zainspirowani przez wizjonerów, zaraz zjawi się mnóstwo przepisów i regulacji i ktoś będzie chciał położyć na to łapę i ciągnąć podatki, koncesje itp. Niestety czasy robią się coraz cięższe dla wynalazców jak i zwykłych ludzi. Technologia przez cały dwudziesty wiek uległa znacznej degeneracji jakościowej, nie przekroczono istotnych barier koniecznych dla wejścia na wyższy poziom technologiczny i cywilizacyjny. To obecnie daje znać w całej rozpiętości możliwości dostępnych człowiekowi i w metodach technologicznych dostępnych dla zdewaluowanej do procesów zaspokajania potrzeb biologicznych i nie wygórowanych potrzeb intelektualnych jednostki ludzkiej.

Przez lata na przestrzeni XX wieku, różni konstruktorzy przedstawili ciekawe rozwiązania z zakresu napędów. Niektóre z nich jak napęd Normana Lorimera Dean'a (1902?1972) pozostają do dziś dla niektórych ludzi niezrozumiałe i niewytłumaczone. Napęd Dean'a prezentuje właśnie ten rodzaj napędu, który jak wiele innych napędów z zakresu napędów bezwładnościowych, przeczy trzeciemu prawu dynamiki Newtona, stąd jak można się domyślać, jest odrzucony przez standardową naukę na margines technologiczny. Napęd Dean'a wykorzystuje siły odśrodkowe, zsynchronizowane ruchome mimośrody i solenoid. Zamieściłem film YT, który wyjaśnia działanie napędu Dean'a. Napęd tego wynalazcy burzy kanony naukowe i gdyby udało się go wprowadzić w życie, miałby potencjał, jak wiele innych napędów bezwładnościowych, do całkowitej zmiany sposobów transportu, które wykorzystuje nasza cywilizacja. Wynalazek miał miejsce w latach 50-tych XX wieku, natomiast Dean zmarł w 1972 roku, od czasu wynalezienia tego napędu do chwili swojej śmierci nie doczekał się znaczącego rozpowszechnienia swojego pomysłu. Pomysł Deana polegał na przekształceniu energii bezwładności powstałej w wyniku ruchu oscylujących mimośrodów na energię mechaniczną przy użyciu pola magnetycznego z solenoidu, który miał być załączany w chwili przechodzenia trzpienia w swoim wnętrzu, ten trzpień popychany był przez oscylację mimośrodów, które oscylowały raz w jedną raz w druga stronę, gdyż były zsynchronizowane zatem dawały reakcję tylko w dwóch kierunkach, a nie we wszystkich jak to jest w konwencjonalnym mimośrodzie. To zjawisko wykorzystał właśnie dean do połówkowej zamiany energii tego układu poprzez magnetyczne przełożenie na napęd bezodrzutowy i bezreakcyjny, co nawet dzisiaj uchodziłoby za kuriozum, o czym może świadczyć obecna niechęć nauki do napędów bezwładnościowych i inercyjnych. Gdyby napęd Dean'a był rozwijany i mógł działać z większą częstotliwością oraz zrealizowany byłby w odpowiedniej skali, jego rezultaty mogłyby zostać spotęgowane, a parametry polepszeniu, jednak nikt nie podjął dalszych prac. W latach siedemdziesiątych działał Tołczyn i później Robert Cook, w czasach obecnych działa G. Szypow i inni mniej znani, jednak cały czas brak istotnego zainteresowania tymi napędami właściwych ludzi, co martwi, bo perspektywa jaka daje utylizacja napędów bezwładnościowych może wykraczać poza prostą wyobraźnię i przewidywania, co skłania wielu ludzi obecnie do jeszcze bardziej wzmożonej pracy by te napędy w końcu ujrzały światło dzienne. Napęd Dean'a to prosty napęd inercyjny i na obecnym etapie jego rozwoju daje niewielkie siły napędowe, lecz są napędy tego typu o wiele lepszych parametrach, wiele z tych napędów ma ogromny potencjał rozwojowy, natomiast chętnych do inwestowania nie ma jak na razie. Newton i wiara w niego obecnych naukowców jest nad wyraz silna i to do tego stopnia, że w imię obrony jego praw gotowi są oni odrzucić pewne wydarzenia i urządzenia, które powinny normalnie skłonić do redefinicji pewnych postaw i poglądów, bo nie sposób im zaprzeczyć, bo działy się one naprawdę i niektórzy z nich oglądali te zdarzenia naocznie a mimo to nie dali im wiary, albo nie zaakceptowali ich podstaw technologicznych z uwagi na brak komplementarności z obecnym obrazem technologicznym.

Siła odśrodkowa to siła wolna i podobnie jak siła Lorentza, może być zmieniona na napęd działający w kosmosie, jeżeli tylko zastosować odpowiednie rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne. W przypadku siły odśrodkowej działającej na mimośrody tak jak to jest w przypadku napędu Dean'a ta siła nie odpycha się ani od podłoża, ani nie emitowanego strumienia gazu lub cieczy, gdyż ta siła jest tylko wynikową działania dwóch sprzęgniętych obracających się niecentrycznie zatwierdzonych mas. Gdyby jak spekulowano to już wcześniej następowała interakcja z tarciem, z podłożem, całość nie działała by w każdym kierunku, ani do góry przeciw grawitacji, a jak stwierdzono w licznych testach podczas działania urządzeń Dean'a całkowita siła z jaką naciskały one na wagę malała, chociaż masa nie zmieniała się, ciężar z jakim oddziaływały urządzenia malał, pomimo tego że był ten sam gradient grawitacji. Trzecie prawo dynamiki Newtona odnosi się tylko do specyficznej sytuacji, w której mamy do czynienia z siłami działającymi na układ dwóch ciał i nie należy używać tej definicji w stosunku do wszystkiego co można zdziałać w technologii. Każdej akcji towarzyszy reakcja, równa co do wartości i kierunku ale o przeciwnym zwrocie, jednak nie zawsze i nie wszędzie, jest to prawo które obowiązuje co prawda we wszechświecie i ma charakter uniwersalny ale nie zawsze i nie do wszystkiego się ono stosuje i nie ma znaczenia podstawowego jeżeli chodzi o pewne rozwiązania w mechanice, gdzie mamy do czynienia z zamkniętym systemem przekazania sił i dynamice płynów. Przy złożonych systemach technologicznych prawo to po prostu zawodzi, dzieje się tak również w przypadku urządzeń opartych o wykorzystanie bezwładności materii. Dzieje się tak dlatego, że Newton kierował się głównie obserwacją przyrody, gdzie nie dysponował on wglądem w głębiej posadowioną fizykę ani nie miał styczności z żadną technologią która, gdyby żył on obecnie, mogłaby wpłynąć na definicję tego praw i mógłby on wtedy sformułować je inaczej.

Motto: " It's easier to crack an atom than a prejudice." - Albert Einstein

Inertial propulsion is the only kind of propulsion available in our times which is not needing rocket thrust and it is independent propulsion with application of inertia and centrifugal force. Other propulsions like antigravity and electro-gravity propulsion are requiring some field interaction between the spaceship and surrounding environment and what is more are not available for our technology right now and although there was some information in twentieth century about certain work about such a technology performed by several more advanced technologically countries and governments, there are not any visible results in our life today. Inertial propulsion seems to have potential to really influence on nowadays life of millions. Inertial propulsion doesn't need field technology or energy exchange between the vehicle and environment, nevertheless, there can be a kind of field about we don't know yet, inertial field, gravity kind energy and inertial kind of energy in inertial propulsion systems. Inertial propulsion is providing a simple conversion between mass inertial energy and kinetic energy thus mechanical energy available for propulsion due to rotation of heavy weights or like it is in reaction impulse engines, heavy pistons guided in opposite directions where there is no equal energy transfer in each side from their mass to outside. Such a propulsion systems obtain propulsive force from inertial energy of mass in motion and from rotation and centrifugal force and this is non-standard solution according rocket propulsion where mass is continuously abandoning the spaceship and after certain time the spaceship become useless without the fuel and can't to make any further motion unless this motion is made only by use of inertial forces. In assumptions the inertial propulsion is free from such a limitation. Unfortunately, almost nobody can be convinced about the inertial propulsion basics truth because of thinking in categories of standard physics where no inertial propulsion can exist due to Laws of Dynamics of Isaac Newton. While still some inventors were gaining new inventions based on inertial propulsion, scientific concrete was doing fine. On entire history span many of the inventors were proving clearly that inertial propulsion is true propulsion all the time being rejected outside the mainstream scientific circles despite of obvious results they have obtained. It's time to admit that we are dealing here with some technological blindness with support from the side of existing scientific and technology deal on the cost of community which is not getting a proper space technology and thus only rocket science and technology is preferred so far what is wrong for the civilization. This is the road to nowhere, because we can't go far with application of rockets, and this is obvious problem relying on base rocket limitations we already well know. We have already a proper nuclear technology and we could join it with inertial propulsion systems, so we could go faster and further than someone can ever think only if we will want to develop inertial propulsion to better form and if the money for this would be found. We should not lose this opportunity, because there are still people who want to use this technology against the humankind and thus, they are focused on hate to every human being. If we want to journey across the universe, we need something better than rockets. When will the sky open at last? Meanwhile on the Earth we have much to do with current situation in energy production and with transport on the land, air, and the sea. Still, there're not solved problems with keeping clean the environment. However, some people will be hard to omitting if we want to make the world better place due to, they currently holding the fate of the world because they have gigantic money and possibilities according to their place in economic world system. They are mainly responsible for nowadays problems in transport ways that we have for disposal, which cause the pollutions and no progress will be made if common people will be trust them and vote for them in the future. It looks like the only people who can make the change are gathered in minority and they are only the shadow of the world and that's the truth. At the other hand, those people have power tools able to achieve a technological revolution and they are working now privately on inertial propulsion systems instead of working in corporation on the same topics, this is problem because they are working alone, and they aren't organized in suitable way to obtain the success. No person is gather both powers; money and a proper mind power to make the changes and despite that some of them have encountered the people with inertial propulsion proposition, they won't undertake proper actions because they want to conserve the existing situation where they have money and influences in economic field because if they would provide the systems into everyone's life they could lost all the power and they could left without any greater meaning and value in such created new world. Some people could blame me for all this talking in vain about lack of solid facts about proper working inertial propulsion due to inertial propulsion seems to be illusory according to their opinion, but that's not so and this is not truth. Inertial propulsion is not illusory, and it is not fictious just like centrifugal force is also not fictious especially not for its results which cannot be considered as fictious or illusory, because they have fundamental meaning for our lives defining with gravity the way material bodies interact or behave. The matter of inertial propulsion is still developing and still there are those who working on it, but they are limited by own financial abilities, generally there is such a situation globally, that if someone wants to work on inertial propulsion, will be restricted and rejected by existing technological and scientific system and even the resistance of the society. Society will reject such a people not by any kind of penalty, but only by limiting their possibilities to minimum leaving them for cooling down to standards. There will be no prize during working for someone who will be willing to fight to provide inertial propulsion in the world only financial obstacles and rejection by the society and only after eventual winning someone would get the proper prize for all sorrows and pains, not earlier. It is not accepted by everyone truth that there are various passionate about inertial propulsion in the world and they are really fascinated about this propulsion, but often all they can do is making technical drawings or 3d models, rarely they coming out with something more than small prototype, model but even then they are misunderstood by local community and they are must struggle hard with further actions needed for make their invention more popular, because they have no money for wider form of actions. This is the situation where their possibilities are defined by the inertia of the community and the external connections of the rich people, and it is a dense fog and strong wind against them. But the inertial propulsion has many advantages, and it could open the space for the common people what can't be done by rocket propulsion in any way. It's time for small, compact, and plausible air and space travel which can be achieved by applying inertial propulsion, which is not emitting any harmful field or other products like gases or electromagnetic radiation. We all know that people want life that is safe, prosper and peaceful, but saying truth, it never was of this kind. In our time all over the world there are conflicts, wars, and other dangerous events which we don't want to them to be, and we don't want to participate in them. Isn't it natural consequence to think about making proper way of transport real, because we all still can't leave this planet if there will be such a need but with inertial power propulsion, we could do this soon. None of rocketry propagators will do the same progress as some small fraction of people who want to provide inertial propulsion in reality, because those two propulsions are completely different in value for the humanity. We must treat those people as treasure for civilization. Make their invention happen and help them at least by good word. The difference about some people which are talking is relying on the problem whether they have the persuasion power or not. But if they also talking truth, they soon gain success in form of more listeners nevertheless those who are lying or talking not crucial information will not be listen anymore after some term of time. The different thing is that even talking truth you can be misunderstood and also people seem don't understand some complicated things in terms of technology or things that are so simple that are seemed to be not true, because they cannot think this way although the solution was so close to them. Some people even don't try to polemize with some crucial scientific knowledge. But here is important fact that the more you convinced and sure about your knowledge are the less you will make change in scientific field you have to work on. Those who are so convinced about inertial propulsion, that it is so illusory, are also not able to come out from the formulas and math although sometimes they have seen some inventions that they cannot admit because it was not complying with their existing knowledge. This is invalid thinking limited to math and prejudice, so there is no need to orienting on them by the rest of the people because if we want to change the way we explore the universe we have also to change our way of thinking. It is still not visible that someone from the circle of scientists is willing to undertake the problem of inertial propulsion, so it seems like this is not the problem of science, but this is so because our science is invalid from the very beginning, based on not true laws and assumptions. The laws of dynamics are obsolescent, and they are existing, in that form, only in the minds of some outdated persons living yet in the beginning of the last century. The problem of the third Newton's law of dynamics was already undertaken by many scientists sometimes with the right potential to do something with it, however although some of them have encountered on some problems in experimentation clearly indicating that with that law can be something wrong in some situation, they were still keeping wrong scientific course ant they are still staying on the wrong path to nowhere and it seems like they never find the right technological answers in this generation life span. So, it is the right time to take the matters in own hands because my generation could never wait for any result counting only on their limited to the scientific correctness actions.